One of the Key Performance Indicators in the Table Tennis Australia (TTA) Strategic Plan for 2023-2025 is to undertake a membership model review to determine the range of membership options and models required to meet current and future consumer needs in the sport of table tennis. Table

Table Tennis Victoria (TTV) was successful in gaining project support from VicsSport through the Victorian Government to help our sport start the Membership Model Review. 

This project will involve:

  • Conducting research within our sport through affiliate surveys, membership surveys, interviews and focus groups,
  • Speaking with unaffiliated table tennis providers to understand their membership barriers,
  • Understanding how other sports organisations membership structures operate,
  • Recommendations suggested based on research about different membership structures that will work for table tennis,
  • Table Tennis Australia and State and Territory Bodies to use recommendations to agree to a new membership model along with a plan to transition to operating under a new model.

The proposed timeline is to use the first quarter of 2023 to do the research (surveys, interviews, etc) and produce a preliminary plan. By the end of the second quarter Vicsport will present a plan to TTV with recommendations. In the second half of the year work will begin on assessing the feasibility of the recommendations and their implementation across all of Australia for table tennis. 

Current Model

Over the last 25 years, we have seen a steady decline in the number of competitive table tennis players and a steady increase in social players. Since COVID, this has become even more pronounced, with people wanting to enjoy their table tennis outside the traditional pennant/fixtures/rosters/league structure. 

Currently, our membership is that TTA has set two types of fees - TTA Full Member and TTA Social Member. The S&T's then add on their fee and create their own categories. i.e. TTV has Competition (Adult) and Competition (Concession) that is connected to the TTA Full Member, and a Social/Coach/Official category that is connected to the TTA Social Member. The clubs then use that total fee as a base to set their fees. Some clubs pay the fee on behalf of the member out of their seasonal fees, others have it as a separate fee.

This is an opportunity to streamline our membership offering and provide flexible offerings to capture different consumers.  

How can you help?

One of the first things that needs to be done is to get input from the 'consumers' on how you think we should do things.

  • Please fill out the Participants Opinion Survey which is open to all members, former members, and general ping pong players. Please share this survey with your friends, family, workmates, schoolmates - everyone you know who has every picked up a racket and had a hit! Please share the social media posts that we will be putting up as well. The more responses we can get from the general ping pong players of Australia, the better idea we will have on what we can do to entice them into out venues.
  • If you are on a committee of an Affiliated Club/Association, please fill out the Affiliate Opinion Survey (login required) so that we can hear directly from the Clubs/Associations.
  • And lastly, for this phase, we want every Club/Association in Australia to fill out the Affiliate Usage Survey (login required) so that we put the data together to form a baseline for all the Affiliates and their activities. This will also have the bonus of TTA/S&T's being able to better identify which areas need assistance, which are at capacity, and how many tables we actually have in Australia.

So get cracking and fill out those surveys!! Please complete by Sunday 30 April. 

Affiliate Usage Survey > 

 * TTV must have their own branded surveys due to the funding received by Sport & Rec Victoria.