TTA Participation Census

Each quarter, TTA asks for participation numbers from each of its Affiliated States/Territories and Clubs/Associations.

At the end of each year, a final census report is produced showing the number of participants in Table Tennis there are nationwide.

2024 Participation Census Survey Submission >






Excel Document for your own record-keeping during the year:

TTA has developed a simple Excel program that Clubs/Associations can use if they want to track their Participation data as it happens, rather than trying to remember it all four times a year! If you enter data as it happens, it provides a summary that you can use when filling out your quarterly census response.

Instructions for use:

  1. Starting in the Input sheet: Select the Day, Month Year
  2. Select the Participation Type (Matches the current Census categories - you can add to/edit the list in the yellow cells)
  3. Select the number of participants
  4. Select the number of hours the session was for
  5. Click the grey box with the correct Quarter - This will copy the entry into the correct sheet.
  6. You can now use the Summary for each Quarter to enter your Census response and also have this for your own records.

Please find the latest version to download below

NOTE: This document is for your own clubs' record keeping - it is not for sending to TTA in place of filling out the quarterly census.