Official Statement: F.Luu v H.Bae final men’s match of 2024 Aus Olympic Qualifiers

Published Tue 21 May 2024

During the recent 2024 Australian Olympic Qualifying final match between Finn Luu and Hwan Bae, a yellow card was issued to both Luu and Bae for separate incidents, in accordance with the rules and regulations governing our sport. Based on the individual incidents by each player, the decision was made by the umpire to address the unsportsmanlike conduct at the time.  

At Table Tennis Australia, we hold all our athletes to the highest standards of sportsmanship and discipline. We understand the intensity of the match and the pressure both young players were under, and the issuance of the yellow cards serve as a reminder of the importance of maintaining proper conduct during competition.

A thorough and robust investigation has been conducted by a Table Tennis Australia panel into both instances, who consulted with industry experts and reviewed policies, with the following outcomes. 

Hwan Bae has been cleared of any further disciplinary action and advised that he refrains from similar actions in the future. While Finn Luu has been issued with a suspended ban with a 12-month period of good behaviour. Both players have an impeccable history of good behaviour, apologised immediately for their actions and have shown great remorse. We kindly ask everyone to be respectful of the situation and the young men invovled.   

We remain committed to fostering an environment of fair play and respect in all our matches and appreciate the support and understanding of our table tennis community as we continue to strive for excellence both on and off the table.

Nicole Adamson
CEO Table Tennis Australia
